
Developing Natural Communicators

James Mayhew

James specialises in communication training. This includes training for pitches and presentations, business development, negotiation, influencing key stakeholders, meeting the media and interview coaching. He has delivered courses and seminars for over 18 years across Europe and the Middle East for companies, governments, institutions and business schools.

After four years of military service in the British Army during the mid-1990s, James started his training career delivering negotiation and pitch/presentation training for most of the City of London’s financial and professional service firms. This included work on board-level presentations, AGMs and IPO roadshow presentations.

Recent clients have included: Citi, Deutsche Bank, ING, JP Morgan, Zurich Insurance and Cass, Imperial College, London and Warwick Business Schools.

James holds a Batchelor’s degree from Brown University (USA) and afterwards attended the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst prior to starting his military and professional career. He qualified as a Registered Representative with the SFA.

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