
Developing Natural Communicators

James McCullough

James McCullough is a highly experienced consultant with extensive expertise in coaching, training and assessment techniques. He works with individuals and teams to achieve personal growth, development and ultimately adds greater value to their role. James has extensive experience in cross-cultural management development having designed and delivered programmes around the world. He has worked with a wide variety of clients including Kleinwort Benson Private Bank, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, Royal Bank of Scotland, Rabobank, Virgin Direct, BT, Rover/BMW, Mowlem, New Look, Energizer, and Bayer Pharmaceuticals. Through his knowledge and study of psychology, James has a particular specialisation in raising the performance of individuals and teams. He does this by helping people better understand themselves, uncovering motivational issues and facilitating effective problem-solving. His first career was as an officer in the British Army during which time he designed and ran training courses for recruits and potential officers with a focus on leadership development and teambuilding. In addition to an Honours degree in Economics and Politics, James has recently successfully completed a Masters degree in Organisational Psychology from Birkbeck College, University of London and also a psychological counselling course. James is married and enjoys a wide range of outdoor pursuits.

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Tel: +44 020 7831 8700