
Developing Natural Communicators

Video Communication and Production

Video is the fastest growing communications tool in the business world, which is hardly surprising given its power to engage and persuade audiences of all kinds. In fact, it is getting to the point where companies that aren’t using video are falling behind rivals who do, and become viewed as out of touch and old fashioned.
But it is a tool that needs to be handled carefully. Done well it will bring warmth, humanity and passion to your communications. But done badly it can damage the reputations of both the organisation and the individuals involved.
We understand that the key to success lies in creating natural but professional films that showcase real people being themselves. So we go to great lengths to make this happen – from the way we structure the shoot, through how we engage with the people we are filming, to skilful and thoughtful editing.
At the heart of everything we do is a partnership with our clients. We know the world of video can be confusing and a bit scary, and that great video can only come from proper teamwork. So we work especially hard to understand our clients’ needs and to help them understand what video can and, just as importantly, can’t do. And then we work together at every stage of the process to produce films that combine the personalities of their people with the key messages they need to get across.
We work with all sorts of organisations both big and small, across the private sector, government and charities. But most of all, we work with people.
To give you a flavour of what we can do, watch this video:
Discover how we can help you and your team.
Contact us:
Tel: +44 020 7831 8700
Email: enquiries@clearwateradvisers.com